Do you know about Google Sites ? No !!!! guys this is awesome product by Google which provides you facility to create your own sites free of cost where you can use 100 MB size and can launch your mid size sites.
Visit for more details and create your own site using your Gmail credentials.
Its manage site section is also good from where you can easily manage your sites and redirect to your own domain as well.

Do you know about Google Sites ? No !!!! guys this is awesome product by Google which provides you facility to create your own sites free of cost where you can use 100 MB size and can launch your mid size sites.
Visit for more details and create your own site using your Gmail credentials.
Its manage site section is also good from where you can easily manage your sites and redirect to your own domain as well.
- Custom Domain Name Mapping - Owners of both personal Google accounts and Google Apps for Business accounts are allowed to map their Google Site to a custom domain name.
- Multi-tier Permissions and Accessibility - There are three levels of permissions within Google Sites: Owner, Editor and Viewer. Owners have full permissions to modify design and content of the entire Google Site, whereas editors cannot change the design of the site. Viewers can only view the site and are not permitted to make any changes to text or otherwise.
- 100 MB of storage (for free account) and 10 GB of storage for Google Apps users
- No open use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) or JavaScript. JavaScript can be used within the confines of an embedded gadget or the HTML box. Inline CSS can be used within the webpage content area.
- Limited e-store capabilities, have to use the Google i-store gadget to add a shopping cart, iframe a third-party e-store provider such as Amazon, or use a Google Buy Now button.
- A site can also be displayed on a custom domain (e.g.,,, but one must own the domain and have access to change the CNAME records.
- Limited use of HTML coding. CSS cannot be incorporated in the theme templates; however, inline CSS can be used within the webpage content area.
- No longer serves .html/.htm web pages, like Google Pages did. All static HTML web pages previously hosted on Google Pages can be migrated to Google Sites, but users later attempting to access them (as well as PDF or other migrated files) must download those files, in order to view.