If you want to change date format in calendar or any liferay portlet you can simply use FastDateFormatFactoryUtil API which is very useful to change in fornat.
Please see below sample example to change calendar header.
you can override below jsp using hook.
In init.jsp :
Format df = FastDateFormatFactoryUtil.getSimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
in summary.jspf :
month="<%= selMonth %>"
day="<%= selDay %>"
year="<%= selYear %>"
headerFormat="<%= df %>"
data="<%= data %>"
Please see below sample example to change calendar header.
you can override below jsp using hook.
In init.jsp :
Format df = FastDateFormatFactoryUtil.getSimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
in summary.jspf :
month="<%= selMonth %>"
day="<%= selDay %>"
year="<%= selYear %>"
headerFormat="<%= df %>"
data="<%= data %>"