30 May, 2012

Create simple plugin portlet (Liferay MVC )

This is very simple but will be useful to new developer and start with liferay development:

1) First of all setup you r liferay as shown in (Liferay Setup)
2) Now make ready deployment environment using below steps
    =>  Go to pligin-sdk package
    =>  Change or override build.properties with the help of your machine user name for e.g
    => build.jignesh.vachhani.properties. Please make sure dotn update existing build.properties just make
    => another copy with build.jignesh.vachhani.properties
 Now open build.<username>.properties  and set with below settings

Add configuration page in plugin portlet

Many times you will get requirement to set portlet configuration.
So if you are not familiar how to add configuration page in liferay plugin portlet, just use below steps with sample code :

10 May, 2012

Theme with 3 level menu

I have developed theme like in Liferay 6.0.6 which has below features

Features :
=> 3 level navigation
=> Mouse hover effect
=> Attractive look

07 May, 2012

Liferay theme Creation

This article will be useful to you , If you are new in liferay, and want to create theme from scratch,

Just follow below steps :

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