01 February, 2012

liferay portal architecture

This diagram is a pictorial representation of the Liferay Portal Architecture. The outer square
box represents a portal which is a physical Portal Instance. We can extract the following facts
from the diagram:

  • User is in the heart of the portal, which means all the activities are performed by keeping user in the centre.
  • An Organization, a Community, a User, User Group, and Roles are created at a portal level.
  • You can create multiple Organizations, Community, Users, User Groups, and Roles within a Portal.
  • A user can be assigned to more than one Role, User Group, Organization or a Community.
  • A User Group can be assigned to a Role.
  • An Organization or a Community can also be assigned to a Role. On doing so, all the members of the Organization or Community will get permissions associated with that role.
  • Organization and Community have their own resources—Organization/Community Roles, Pages, and Teams.
  • When a User is assigned to an Organization or a Community, the user becomes a member of the Organization or Community. A member can access resources of an Organization or Community.
  • A User has to be a member of an Organization or a Community before assigning to an Organization or Community-level role or team created within an Organization or a Community.
  • A page in Liferay Portal, is not a separate entity and cannot be created at a Portal level. 
  • A page has to be created within an Organization or a Community.
  • We can also create a role at an Organization or Community level.
  • A team can be created within an Organization or a Community.

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