28 December, 2011

Access image from liferay theme

If you want to access any images in liferay from theme,
you can follow below very simple steps:

1) Define the taglib in your portlet jsp file
<%@taglib uri="http://liferay.com/tld/theme" prefix="liferay-theme" %>
2)Define the liferay tag like
<liferay-theme:defineObjects />

20 December, 2011

Theme variables

whenever you create any theme in liferay, you will have many variable which you can directly use in theme velocity file.

14 December, 2011

Embed search in theme

Hi everyone,

Simplest way to integration of search in theme.

If you want to integrate portal search and web content search in Liferay theme, Use below code in your vm file:

12 December, 2011

Embed web content in theme- Liferay6.X.X

Hello Liferay folks,

I know that many time you will have this requirement that you need to integrate web content into Liferay theme.
So here is the code which can help you to integration :

Alloy UI taglibs

Hi Everyone,
you can see below example to get the idea about Alloy UI taglibs

09 December, 2011

GroupId for global scope in LR 6.0.X

When you want to access data or artilcle from global scope in liferay 6.0.X ,
you can use below code to get group id :


Get community list in theme

If you want to fetch all the community list in theme after login,
you can use below code :

05 December, 2011

Liferay setup

 Hi Liferay Geeks,

As per the request by many developers who have just started to push up their shocks for liferay development, Here i am putting this step by step information for "How to setup liferay server in local machine & How to setup development environment".

Create sample portlet

Hello Everyone,

I have been asked by lot many people to show some steps how can we create samplet portlet in liferay.

So Here I have one good tutorial which can give very basic idea of creation of portlet in liferay using IDE.

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