22 September, 2011

Liferay URL parameters details

Hi Everyone,
you might be aware that whenever you perform any action in liferay , its genrating URL with some parameters. So its necessary to know the meaning or value of these parameters.
So here are the important URL details !!!!!

p_p_id: this parameter is used to tell which portlet to access.
p_p_lifecycle: this parameter is used in telling Liferay which action to perform. This is a binary value (0 or 1). 0 simply tells Liferay to just render the portlet, whereas 1 tells Liferay to call the process Method of a StrutsAction.
p_p_state: this parameter is a unique parameter, in that, it is used in helping with Liferay pop ups and AJAX calls. In the current URL above, the parameter is set to normal, therefore, everything is rendered as it should. This parameter also has other values, such as exclusive, maximized and minimized.
  • exclusive state tells the page to ONLY render that particular portlet
  • maximized state is used in telling liferay to render the portlet (when placed on a page) in full, works kinda like if you were to have a collapsible div in javascript.The display below shows you what adding a new Web Content Display looks like. Surrounding this display item there is a border with a few buttons to click on to perform actions for this particular portlet. This is to demonstrate the Maximized and Minimized States for a portlet. Clicking on the Minus sign will collapse the div, whereas, clicking on the Plus sign will Maximize the div.
  • minimized state (shown above) is used to display the portlet collapsed.
p_p_mode: this parameter acts as a Struts Action parameter. Just like a switch statement in PHP, this parameter is used to tell which Struts Method to render. This is mainly seen/used while in the control panel when you are editing a created page or editing your personal profile.
p_p_col_id and p_p_col_count: these parameters are used in aiding the Liferay templating system.
_helloworldphpapp_WAR_helloworldphpapp_phpURI: This parameter is used to send your PHP page(s) URL parameters and to tell which page to render inside the portlet. In the URL above we have it set to index.php?id=1. To render a different page inside (and I will explain about this a little later when going over developing a portlet with more than one PHP page) this portlet simply change the index.php to the name of the page you want to render (anotherpage.php?id=1).

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