29 September, 2011

amCharts Integration

Hello guys,

Many times we are having requirement to generate different types of charts in many of our web application.
So this is the very good tool which you can integrate with liferay and can get many types of charts using flash or javascript.

22 September, 2011

EXT deployment in LR-6

Here are the steps that need to be executed on the server for EXT deployment :
  • Redeploy Liferay. To do this, follow the same steps you used when first deploying Liferay on the app server. If you are using a bundle, you can just unzip the bundle again. If you've installed Liferay manually on an existing application server, you'll need to redeploy the .war file and copy the global libraries to the appropriate directory within the application server. If this is the first time the Ext plugin is deployed, you can skip this step.

Liferay URL parameters details

Hi Everyone,
you might be aware that whenever you perform any action in liferay , its genrating URL with some parameters. So its necessary to know the meaning or value of these parameters.
So here are the important URL details !!!!!

Alloy UI Elements

These are the tags that can be used in aui forms and some of their attributes. They all support dynamic attributes, which means that you can add any additional attribute and it will be used. For example, if you add the attribute onFocus to a aui:button, the <button> will have this onFocus attribute.



08 September, 2011

ckeditor customization

see below steps to add ckeditor in liferay !!!

Add below lines in jsp file

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