22 July, 2011

Mail API

Hello Java Folks,

We are using mail sending functionlaity in most of the web applications.
So have a look on below java class which can help you to send the mail using JAVA API.

14 July, 2011

Inter portlet communication (IPC)

Hello Everyone,
Here is the flow of IPC

Here below are the steps to follow for IPC :

12 July, 2011

Convert List to JsonArray

Might be you won't be aware that you can't use existing portal *JsonSerializer.java class in Liferay plugin portlets. So if you want to get JsonArray response of existing liferay service then you can use below code :

import net.sf.json.JSONArray;

List myList = UserLocalserviceUtil.getUsers();
JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject(MyList);

11 July, 2011

Kaleo Workflow

Hey guys have you ever been used liferay workflow ?
Do you know kaleo workflow engine which is come up with LR 6.0.X ?

08 July, 2011


WSRP : Most useful world if you are using portlet standards.

so you wanna get introduce with WSRP ???? Just follow me and my this link .

This article represents vary nice details of WSRP.

If it really helpful ? just say Thanks to me for finding this article for you :)

Cheers !!!!!!!!!!

Alloy-UI-Ajax call

Hello Liferay Rockers,

As you all know that Liferay 6.0.X is using AlloyUI framework for GUI.
So here is the code to make ajax call using AlloyUI.

you can write your response in test.html and can write your action on success of ajax call.

Work with WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets )

Hello Everyone ,

do you know anything about WSRP ?

If No please have a look once on Here .

It's very simplified and useful article to understand the WSRP and still if you have any confusion you can ask me here ant query.

01 July, 2011

jboss-tomcat clustering

Hello everyone,

Do you know how to make clustering within liferay server nodes ?

There is best article available here.

Read it and Enjoy!!!!

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