17 February, 2011

order by clause in service.xml

The attributes of the order-column element allows you to fine tune the ordering
of the entity.

<order by="asc">
<order-column name="title" />

The above settings will order by title in an ascending manner.
<order by="asc"><order-column name="parentLayoutId" />
<order-column name="priority" />


The above settings will order by parentLayoutId and then by priority in an ascending manner.
<order by="asc">
<order-column name="name" case-sensitive="false" />

The above settings will order by name and will not be case sensitive.
<order-column name="articleId" order-by="asc" />
<order-column name="version" order-by="desc" />

The above settings will order by articleId in an ascending manner and then by
version in a descending manner.

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